Tech in an ELA Class

You've heard me say it before, technology is a powerful tool that can and has shaped classrooms. It has created a vastly unique world. That's fantastic, but my biggest challenge is how to incorporate it into the classroom and curriculum that has meaning and is engaging. Because we all know making mandatory classes like ELA interesting and engaging for students can be challenging. But Tyler Letkeman from Vincent Massey in Brandon Manitoba has an interesting spin on engaging students. The goal is to use tech tool to create meaningful tasks and improve the health of the classroom for both students and teachers.

Here are just a few of my favourites he shared that I’d love to try in my class one day:

1.      Student crafted Books
Student crafted book puts an interesting spin on writing and writing with a purpose! It takes students through the writing process, but with the end goal of publishing their work. When students have a purpose for their work it brings meaning and students have a greater tendency to do their best work when they are publishing for public intent. It also allows students to get used of the authors craft.  Book can be printed at Blurb for a very affordable price. Now the perk of this is that it is available to peers and future students. Students work could be identified by the initials.

2.      #bestwordchallenge
      The best word challenge is a weekly writing exercise that allows students to hone in on their word choice, communication and expression of opinion. The challenge gives the students a picture and they must come up with one word that best captures the image in only 15 minutes. They then explain their choice in a single paragraph. The word choices are then voted upon for the best one! Every week there is a new photo and the cycle continues. Personally, it might be nice to reward the best chosen, maybe have a place to display the image and word for the class to see.

3.      Shakespeare Social Media
This is a neat concept of incorporating teens dear love for self expression and social media with curriculum and learning. Instagram and Snapchat are great tools not only personally, but students can use them to retell stuff they learned especially showing their understanding of Shakespeare. Students can create post/snaps to retell the stories, send a snap from a character in a scene, and demonstrate they understand different characters. Another neat project to demonstrate understanding is to have students define each character with an emoji.

4.      #letkememes

Memes are all the rage these days. So    why not make them part of our classroom? Students can create memes as exit slips, Tyler used them to create  memes about ready that would be displayed for everyone to see and then    the best one received a reading related reward. Memes could also be used as reinforcer in the classroom, fill in the blank, or I’ve even seen them used with classroom expectations.

 Side note if you have never checked out Quizlet for the first time it is an absolute must. I enjoy the live feature which is similar to Kahoot, but has students working in teams against the other class teams! I love the accessibility it has and the many different features that are available

Personally, I am all game for any thing that has my students excited to learn and try new things and look forward to hearing from you about your sweet classroom tech ideas!

Until next time,


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